Blacklist Events - Summerjam 2018

SummerJam! This was the first meet I had attended in a few months, maybe even the first of 2018, which is unusual considering this was Mid-February. With that being said, I wasn't quite sure what to expect from this event. It was hyped up all over social media, held in a very unique location, being at the Wet n Wild amusement park in Sydney, all mixed in with the fact I hadn't been to an event in at least a couple of months at this point, I found it quite enjoyable. I saw plenty of cars I hadn't seen out before, along with the usual bunch, so I had plenty of friends to hang out and catch up with, but still plenty of cars that I wanted to go and have a closer look at. I spent a lot of my time there hanging out with Chantelle, who is one of the promotional models for Blacklist Events. This gave me a first hand look into what it's like for these girls at events and what their responsibilities are as a promotional model. Every few seconds as we were walking around Chantelle was being asked for photos with people and their rides and it was awesome to see how happy it made people when she agreed. So here are some of the photos that show my experience of the day!
Make sure you check out Chantelle on Instagram - @theofficialmiztorres1